Warm Harvest Muesli

Muesli is one of my favorite things to eat for breakfast and lunch.  During the warmer months, I simply pour milk on it and eat like cereal.  In the colder months, I like to heat it up!  The brand I like (Bob's Red Mill, see below) is loaded with delicious things like sunflower seeds, barley, almonds, dates, raisins, oats, and more.  Here is a version of Muesli I've been making lately...with the addition of seasonal gorgeous apples and cinnamon, it becomes a fabulous fallish treat, but still nutritionally awesome...enjoy!

For our Gluten-Free friends...there is a gluten free version too...yay!

Watch the video below or scroll down to see a photo tutorial:

Here's what you'll need (makes about 2-3 servings):

In a microwave safe bowl, add 1/2 cup of muesli,

Add 1 cup of milk (any kind...skim, whole, soy, rice, almond, etc),

Dice one small apple (or 1/2 of a large apple), I like to leave the skin on for color and an extra fiber punch, but it's up to you,

Add a sprinkle of cinnamon (I like a generous amount but you can go lighter that I did if you want) and microwave on high for 2 minutes.  Give it a good stir then put it back in for two more minutes,

If it looks a little soupy, return to the microwave for a few more minutes, checking and stirring often.  Let it stand for about 5 minutes for thicken up a little.  I absolutely love sprinkling pomegranate seeds on top if I have them on hand, but it is equally yummy all by itself too...enjoy!

For more family fun, be sure to follow Sparkle & Splatter for the latest projects and activities!

Craftsy (Affiliate links, enjoy these awesome products and thanks as always for your support!)

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