12 Ways To Keep Your Kids Reading All Summer Long!

Summer is a wonderful time to unplug and recharge the batteries.  It is a wonderful opportunity to take a break from the "grind" as well.  Cultivate a love of reading for pleasure with these 12 tips to keep kids reading all summer long.  Research shows that much of the hard work they've done over the school year can be lost during the summer.  Make it fun and feel natural by incorporating it into everyday family life. 

1. Get involved in summer reading at your local library.  Many neighborhood branches offer programs with fun incentives and activities to get  (and keep) kids reading all summer long.  Try to go each week to keep reading material fresh.  No programs at your local library?  Check out Barnes & Noble, they have one too!

2. Create a family read along!  Vote on a book to read as a family.  This is a great way to model to your child the importance of reading too.  Each day or every few days read a chapter or a few pages at the same time or out loud together for younger readers...this makes great dinnertime discussions too!

3. Enlist help at the grocery store.  With kids out of school, chances are they'll be joining you on your weekly shopping trips.  Have them manage the list and cross things off, look for items on the shelves, and read signs.  On site learning!

4. Act out a play!  Have your child either write a short play or find one at the library (ask your librarian for help).  Print out scripts, put on costumes, and set the stage!

5. Whip up something yummy.  One of the most fun ways to practice reading (not to mention math too!) is to read and follow a recipe.  Help your children make a fun lunch or prepare dinner for the family.  Delicious and educational!

6. Ask your child's teacher for a list.  Before your child says farewell to the classroom, ask their teacher for some recommendations for your child's summer reading activities.  Libraries will also often provide lists for each age group too.

7. Map your summer adventures!  Going on a trip?  Hiking on a trail?  Have your child be in charge of the map...not only will this be empowering for them, but they can squeeze in a little reading too!

8. Mix it up.  To keep things interesting, try a variety of media.  Traditional books, e-books, magazines, cereal boxes, comic books, travel brochures, word searches, and so much more...keep it fun!

9. Keep it handy.  Keep books at the ready at all times.  In the house in places they're most likely to read, in a tote bag if out and about, tucked in the car, anywhere else you can think of.

10. Sing along!  Learn some songs together...print your favorite lyrics and have an epic sing along.

11. Museums and historical locations are reading goldmines!  Visit a local museum or a historic landmark/trail/site.  They are usually packed full of plaques, markers, and other things to read about, plus you'll get an interesting history lesson too!

12. Embark on a research project.  Do you have a child that loves bugs?  Perhaps they are curious about geography?  Have them select a topic and get some books or help them look online.  They can do "field work" too at a local nature center or cultural center.  Have them present their findings to the family when they are finished.

For more family fun, be sure to follow Sparkle & Splatter for the latest projects and activities!

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