Clean Hands Sink Art

This easy peasy wall art not only decorates an area by the sink, but serves as a gentle reminder to keep those hands squeaky clean!  Best of all I made it with materials I found around the house, so this project was totally free to make!

Perfect for bathrooms, the kitchen, or anywhere there is a sink in the house...I love this idea for teachers too!

Here's what you'll need:
  • Acrylic paint in two colors
  • Paint brush
  • Old frame (I used an 8 x 10)
  • "Wash Those Hands" paper printout (see instructions below)

If you are using an old frame like I did, take it apart and paint in desired color and let it dry.

I made polka dots in a contrasting color by dipping a pencil eraser in paint and dabbing it evenly all the way around the frame.

The sign itself was made in PicMonkey (one of my favorite sites ever).  All is did was type up the phrase, enlarged (a lot) and made each letter a different rainbow-y color.  I just used regular computer printer paper, but you can get fancier with card stock or watercolor paper if you like.

Finally, put the frame together and it's ready to hang!

For more family fun, be sure to follow Sparkle & Splatter on Google+FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest for the latest projects and activities!

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